Inclusive Mobility Alliance meeting
On the 3rd of March EUD attended Inclusive Mobility Alliance meeting at the European Disability Forum.

Adoption of the Resolution on the EU disability strategy post 2020 by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament
On the 20th of February of 2020, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the

112 Day
112 is a life-saving number for all users. The European Commission recently showed its commitment

Webinar explaining the recently adopted European Accessibility Act
On the 17th of June, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised the webinar on the

‘Flanders & Catalonia: comparisons and differences with regard to the status of Sign Language’
On 22nd March 2019, Helga Stevens MEP hosted an event on ‘Flanders & Catalonia: comparisons

Disability Intergroup: Political Participation Seminar
On the 30th of January, Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament organised a seminar on

Political agreement on the Audiovisual Media Service Directive revision with stronger provisions on accessibility of media services for deaf consumers
Recently, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached a political agreement

Designs project in Berlin, Germany
On 7th and 8th June, the Designs project was having their 2nd consortium partners’ meeting

The Impact of Media on Sport, Disability & Human Rights
On 15th May, EUD attended a panel discussion, which was hosted by MEP Helga Stevens

NEXES Final International Workshop in Izmir, Turkey
The NEXt generation Emergency Services (NEXES) Consortium held the NEXES Final International Workshop at the

Women with Disabilities (in the EU): Situation and Way Forward
The European Economic Social Committee’s Permanent Study Group on Disability Rights organised a public hearing

Coproducing employment initiatives for young persons with disabilities and mental health problems
On Tuesday 30st January EUD participated that the event organised by the EASPD and its