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Tribute to Mathieu Martens


We would like to inform you all about the sad death of one of our founding member of EUD, Mathieu Martens of Belgium.

During March 1985, Mathieu Martens was one of the delegates, representing Belgium, at the first ever meeting which lead to the formation of ECRS (European Community Regional Secretariat of the WFD). He was one of the members of the first ever executive committee of ECRS which was elected during September 1985.

On behalf of EUD President, Board and Staff we would like to offer our condolences to his wife and family but would like to remember and celebrate one of his great achievements which contributed to the formation of ECRS which became today’s EUD.

All the publications from 2022 - 2026 are co-funded by and produced under the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme.

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