The Polish Association of the Deaf coordinates activities related to helping deaf refugees from Ukraine. The Association is the largest nationwide organization working for the deaf, we have 15 Provincial Branches, 45 Field Branches and 17 Specialist Rehabilitation Clinics for Children and Youth with Hearing Deficiencies.
Due to the situation of the war in Ukraine, we have created a free online interpretation service for Deaf refugees, which is operated by interpreters using Ukrainian Sign Language (USL) and in Polish.
Skype: DeafUkraine
Additionally, special phone numbers were activated so that contact via Whats app, Viber, Telegram is also possible.
More information can be found at:
– https://www.pzg.org.pl/pomoc-ukrainie/
Facebook: Polski Związek Głuchych Zarząd Główny
Most important information for deaf refugees in the USL, IS, PJM are posted on websites and in Social Media.
Deaf people in need of support can contact the Association also via e-mail to: [email protected]
People coming to Poland can receive help in accommodation, receive necessities, communication in the USL, help in arranging the necessary documents or organising further travel. Ultimately, for people who want to stay in Poland, we offer help in finding a job, continuing education, and rehabilitation.
Systemic assistance is also organised by the Polish Government concerning: education, financial support, access to medical facilities, etc.
Non-governmental organisations and private persons additionally help in ensuring the basic needs of life. Interpreting help is organised. Below is a list of sign language interpreters with contact details:
At the reception points, you can get information or help in finding accommodation, meals, etc.
- Medical assistance
- Financial support
Information for refugees in Ukrainian can be found on government and local-government websites.
You can find more information on this subject in Ukrainian (written and sign language) on: https://www.pzg.org.pl/pomoc-ukrainie/
Facebook: Facebooku https://www.facebook.com/G%C5%82usi-Ukraina-PZG-102389585732600
Mobile app- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deaf_lp/