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EU Commission
The European Commission (EC) prepares legislation for adoption by the Council of the EU (representing the member countries) and the European Parliament (representing the citizens). EUD constantly provides the European Commission with input to ensure the Commission’s work is inclusive of deaf persons.
By collaborating with the European Commission and providing the Commission with input for policy design EUD contributes to evidence-based regulation, policies and reforms at EU level. EUD is also a member of the Disability Platform of the European Commission.

EU Public Consultation
Consultation on the 2013 EU Citizenship Report “EU citizens – Your rights, your future” This

EESC Public Hearing on the UN CRPD
Yesterday, the European Economic and Social Committee hosted the public hearing on implementation and monitoring

Interview with Vice-President Reding
EUD is proud to present this exclusive interview with the Vice-President of the European Commission,

Accessibility as a Human Right
European Economic and Social Committee Hearing: Accessibility as a Human Right 20 June 2013 On

European Accessibility Act
European Accessibility Act: EDF Calls On The European Commission To Deliver A Legislative Proposal On The

Launch of INSIGN Project
DG JUSTICE of the European Commission (EC) has awarded a twelve-month pilot project grant to

Freedom of Movement
On 2 October 2013, European Commission started off an evaluation of national regulations on access

Greek Presidency January – June 2014
The current Greek Presidency 2014 is running from January – June 2014 and is the

Access City Award
European Commission have launched yet another edition of the Access City Award. Cities with more

Insign – Second Demonstration
The Insign Second Demonstration took place in European Commission on 25 September 2014. For more

The Ebola Virus
The Ebola virus The Ebola virus is a virus disease that causes acute and serious