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In Norway, the state channel NRK, is obliged to have sign language interpreters and/or subtitles on their programs. However, due to the sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 in Norway, there were a short time when all information from the Government were texted and translated to sign language long after taping.

This caused a stir among our Deaf and Hard of Hearing community as they could wait up to two or three days before they got information from the Government. The Norwegian Deaf Association has, along with other relevant co-associations and local Deaf associations, pushed and urged the Government to remember to have a sign language interpreter with them on all their press conferences, and not to rely on the TV-channels in Norway to translate later on. The Norwegian Deaf Association has referred to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Peoples with Disabilities (UN CRPD) to ensure full access to information for all under the UN CRPD Articles 9 and 21. They appreciate that the Government in Norway has taken this serious and provides sign language interpreters to their press conferences. 

The Norwegian Deaf Association is not satisfied to see that some private tv-channels/companies seem to not film the interpreters as well, and we have had close contact with these channels in that matter. Some of them have understood the importance of filming the interpreters too, but some others have decided to not do so. They will continue working on that. 

Moreover, the Norwegian Deaf Association has also contact with the two main health institutes in Norway, the Norwegian Folk Health Institute and the Norwegian Health Department, and work closely with them to ensure that the information they provide from their channels are also translated in sign language and texting. They have worked close with the media company of the Norwegian Deaf Association, Døves Media, to interpret and translate their information videos into sign language for the deaf community in Norway. 

The Norwegian Deaf Association is satisfied to see that our Government and departments understand the importance of providing access to all information by all means, and that they include the Norwegian sign language in this. 

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