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Information about COVID-19:

  • Daily briefing at 18.00 o’clock regarding COVID-19  from the spokesman of The National Public Health Organization (NPHO) and the spokesman of the GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR CIVIL PROTECTION, accessible in Greek Sign Language but without captioning.

  •  Messages from the Prime Minister of Greece are accessible in Greek Sign Language but without captioning. It is worth saying that in the beginning the interpreter visibility in the video was very poor and after the actions of HFD (Hellenic Federation of the Deaf) the size of the interpreter on screen was enlarged. See the difference here:

  • Message from the President of Greece are accessible in Greek Sign Language but without captioning.

  •  Weekly briefings from the spokesman of the Government are accessible in Greek Sign Language. After 2-4 days the videos are also captioned.

  • Daily TV news by the public tv channel (14 minutes duration) at 17.45 o’clock are accessible in Greek Sign Language with captioning. (in accordance with existing law)

  • Daily tv news by private tv channels (7 minutes duration) (between 16.30 o’clock and 18.00 o clock) are accessible in Greek Sign Language with captioning. (in accordance with existing law)

  •  Informative tv spots from Greek Government are accessible in Greek Sign Language with greek text. Example:

  • The National Deaf Foundation of the Ministry of Labour has published an informative video which is accessible in Greek Sign Language with captioning and pictures.

  • In the framework of the “Universal Design and Development of Accessible Digital Educational Material Act”, the Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) developed information on Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus and protection, accessible to people with disabilities (students, parents, educators and citizens).

The material which is strictly in accordance with the information base of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, is also available in Greek Sign Language with subtitles.

Following the briefing by the National Public Health Organization (EHOD), the General Secretariat for Civil Protection proceeded with the issuance of 8 Useful Guidelines and 19 Questions and Answers on COVID-19 is posted on the website of the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP). 

The experts of ‘Universal Design and Development of Accessible Digital Educational Material’ and Deaf Adult Role Models of ‘Sign Links’ contributed to the development of this accessible material.

The Hellenic Federation of the Deaf is implementing the project ‘Sign Links (, in the context of the European Programme Erasmus+, 1 KA2.

·         The Hellenic Federation of the Deaf (HFD) took initiative and published a video about coronavirus curfew accessible in Greek Sign Language with captioning.

  •  The Hellenic Federation of the Deaf (HFD) took initiative and published a video about coronavirus which is accessible in Greek Sign Language with captioning.

HFD has requested and still asks for:

  • Access to the public tv channel’s daily tv news of 1h duration (which are the main news) interpretation in greek sign language with captioning

  • Access to the public tv channel’s daily telecast about COVID-19 (interpretation in greek sign language with captioning)

  • Access to all press conferences with interpretation in greek sign language andcaptioning.


In Greece real time captioning is not applicable. So, captions are added after 2-4 days and not in all cases.

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