The recent passing away of noteworthy Arthur Verney has called our attention and EUD would like to share with you his great influence on what is now the European Union of the Deaf.
Arthur Verney, a British national, was the General Secretary for the British Deaf Association (BDA), working with former President Jock Young. In 1989 the income of BDA exceeded one million pounds for the first time and much credit goes to Arthur. He was a visionary, and along with Jock, instigated the European Community Regional Secretariat (ECRS) in 1985, which was the forerunner of what EUD is today. Arthur called on Deaf Associations from countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, and France to meet and to empower the Deaf throughout Europe.
Further, Arthur Verney is praised also for his achievement to have founded the European Disability Forum (EDF).
Arthur never led from the front but he was the fuel to many accomplishments. EUD as it is now owes a debt of thanks and gratitude to Arthur Verney the pioneer of Deaf European Emancipation.
For more information about EDF, go to: