Next steps toward an EU action plan to implement the 2030 Agenda
On the 10th July, members of the Development (DEVE) and the Environment (ENVI) committees of

Persons with disabilities as a human capital: their contribution to the economy and society
On the 20th June EUD participated at the public hearing ‘Persons with disabilities as a

Sustainable Development Goals vs European Pillar of Social Rights? Making two frameworks work together
On the 15th of May EUD participated at the breakfast debate organised by Eurodiaconia, a

Political agreement on new EU telecommunication rules with better provisions for consumers with disabilities
EUD, in collaboration with the European Disability Forum (EDF) has been advocating for better rules

Strategic Dialogue on EU semester
On the 19th of March EUD participated at the second strategic dialogue meeting on the

Work Forum on the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
On the 29th of May EUD participated at the Work Forum on the implementation of

Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2018
On the 27th April EUD participated at the Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth (ACIG or

Disability Data and the Sustainable Development Goals
On the 19th April EUD followed a webinar online, which was produced by the International

The Social Pillar and European Semester as tools for delivering social Europe – a reflection with civil society
On the 17th April EUD attended the seminar “The Social Pillar and European Semester as

The High-Level Task Force (HLTF) on Investing in Social Infrastructure
On the 23rd January EUD participated at the report launch event at the European Commission.

European Day of the Persons with Disabilities 2017
Every year, the European Commission (EC) celebrates the Day of Persons with Disabilities (EDPD) together

CRPD workshop for organisations of persons with disabilities
On the 17th and 18th October EUD participated at the technical workshop organised by the