Report on EUD consultative virtual regional meetings with the National Associations of the Deaf in Europe in the context of COVID-19 pandemic
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic EUD has collected information from its member organisations National Associations

EUD’s actions taken in regard to the Covid-19 outbreak
The COVID-19 outbreak and the containment measures in place by the EU Member States have

The Report of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region highlights the importance of accessibility in national sign languages for democratic participation and inclusion while delivering the SDGs
On the 19th of April United Nations Economic and Social Council’s Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

Reinforcing the Youth Guarantee
On the 2nd of March EUD attended a strategic dialogue meeting on reinforcing Youth Guarantee at

International Disability Alliance’s Facebook live on the COVID-19 pandemic
On the 6th of April EUD followed the Facebook live on the COVID-19 organised by the

European Parliament Resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic
On the 17th of April the European Parliament adopted the resolution on the European Union’s coordinated

EDF webinar on poverty and social exclusion of persons with disabilities
On the 22nd of April EUD followed a webinar on poverty and social exclusion of persons

EDF webinar on Disability Assessment: Rights and Inclusion
On the 8th of May EUD followed a webinar looking at different methods of disability assessment

Online meeting of the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament on the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities
On the 30th of April EUD was present at the first online meeting of the Disability

Regional Forum for Sustainable Development and the Civil Society Forum
The fourth Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) region took place on the 19th of March

EDF toolkit on inclusion of refugees and migrants with disabilities
On the 29th of February 2020, the European Disability Forum (EDF) launched the toolkit on the

Conference closing the first phase of the Preparatory Action for a Child Guarantee
On the 17th of February EUD attended the “Conference closing the first phase of the Preparatory