European Parliament Resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic
On the 17th of April the European Parliament adopted the resolution on the European Union’s coordinated

Online meeting of the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament on the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities
On the 30th of April EUD was present at the first online meeting of the Disability

Conference closing the first phase of the Preparatory Action for a Child Guarantee
On the 17th of February EUD attended the “Conference closing the first phase of the Preparatory

The Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament established its Bureau
EUD welcomes that the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament was re-established in December 2019.

EDF webinar on Passengers’ Rights under EU law
On the 22nd of April EUD followed a webinar on passengers’ rights in the European Union.

Hearing of the Commissioner-designate Helena Dalli
On the 2nd of October European Parliament’s (EP) Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee (FEMM)

Erasmus+ Coalition meeting
On the 11th of September, EUD together with the European Disability Forum attended the Erasmus+

Towards the 1st European Standard on Accessibility of the Built Environment
On the 5th of June, different stakeholders such as legislators and the representatives of people

Next steps toward an EU action plan to implement the 2030 Agenda
On the 10th July, members of the Development (DEVE) and the Environment (ENVI) committees of

Persons with disabilities as a human capital: their contribution to the economy and society
On the 20th June EUD participated at the public hearing ‘Persons with disabilities as a

Sustainable Development Goals vs European Pillar of Social Rights? Making two frameworks work together
On the 15th of May EUD participated at the breakfast debate organised by Eurodiaconia, a

Political agreement on new EU telecommunication rules with better provisions for consumers with disabilities
EUD, in collaboration with the European Disability Forum (EDF) has been advocating for better rules