Strategic Dialogue on EU semester
On the 19th of March EUD participated at the second strategic dialogue meeting on the

European Day of the Persons with Disabilities 2017
Every year, the European Commission (EC) celebrates the Day of Persons with Disabilities (EDPD) together

Strategic Dialogue Meeting on the European Semester
On the 26th October EUD participated in the strategic dialogue meeting on the European Semester

PETI Workshop on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
On the 12th of October, the EUD participated in a workshop on the Protection of

Concluding observations of the UN CRPD Committee to the European Union should be reflected in a new European Disability Strategy
On the 3rd of October EUD participated in a public hearing organised by the Permanent

Report on the implementation of the EU Disability Strategy
On the 28th September, EUD attended Committee’s on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) meeting at

Day of plenary vote on the EAA
The EUD is currently in Strasbourg, France, following a very important plenary vote on the

Update on European Accessibility Act
Our President, Markku Jokinen took the opportunity of being in Brussels to address the concerns

Update on the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020
On the 12th of July, the EUD attended the Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL)

Adoption of the report on the audio-visual media services directive by the Culture committee of the European Parliament
On the 10th of May, the Culture committee of the European Parliament adopted its report

Adoption of a European Parliament committee report on the draft European Accessibility Act
On the 25th of April, the European Parliament’s Internal Market Committee that is responsible for the

Update on European Commission’s new proposal on coordination of social security systems in EMPL’s Public Hearing on 12/04/17.
On 12 April 2017, the EUD attended the public hearing at the European Parliament organised