Home Member Countries Belgium
Doof Vlaanderen
Deaf Flanders
Fédération Francophone des Sourds de Belgique (FFSB)
French-speaking Federation of the Deaf Belgians
Belgium is organised into three communities (Flemish-speaking, French-speaking, and the German-speaking) as well as regions (Flemish, Walloon, and the bilingual Brussels-capital region). The communities are responsible for issues such as culture, education, and most importantly for the languages in their respective language areas.
By contrast, the regions are in charge of economic and enegry polices, as well as transport, and the environment. This division leads to two deaf associations being in place, Flemish speaking and French speaking Federations of the Deaf Belgians.
Established: 21 April 1977
Full member of EUD since: 1985
President: Dylan Moens
Vice President: Eva De Durpel
Board Member: Thomas De Coninck
Board Member: Jeffrey Garitte
Board Member: Alexander Mazovetsky
Board Member: Frank Van de Perre
Board Member: Tamie Wuytjens
Sign Language: Vlaamse Gebarentaal
Abbreviation: VGT
Number of Deaf Sign Language Users: 6,500
Number of Working Sign Language Interpreters: 165
Convention: Signature 30 March 2007
Ratification: 2 July 2009
Optional Protocol: Signature 30 March 2007
Ratification: 2 July 2009
Dorpsstraat 43
9052, Gent
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+32) 09 224 46 76
Website: www.doof.vlaanderen
Established: 21 April 1977
Full member of EUD since: 1985
President: Alexandre Bloxs
Board Member: Amanda Hotton
Board Member: Murielle Bertrand
Board Member: El Amine El Hassani
Sign Language: Langue des Signes de Belgique Francophone
Abbreviation: LSFB
Number of Deaf Sign Language Users: 4,000
Number of Working Sign Language Interpreters: 24
Convention: Signature 30 March 2007
Ratification: 2 July 2009
Optional Protocol: Signature 30 March 2007
Ratification: 2 July 2009
Avenue Marnix 19A/25
B-1000 Bruxelles
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+32) 2 644 69 01
Website: www.ffsb.be