Nothing about us without us.

Nothing about us without us.

Liisa Halonen

Liisa Halonen

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Now the EUDY. Critical to have. They represent themselves a youth organisation in Europe. We don’t decide for other people. People decide for themselves. They understand the challenges, the barriers they face. I’d like to welcome the secretary general of the EUDY, Liisa Halonen.
Ms. Liisa Halonen:
Is the timer starting?
Hello everyone. My name is Liisa. Secretary general of the Eudy. Thank you to Markku for giving such a good overview. I’ll tie into it throughout my presentation. I want to speak more from an everyday perspective. What deaf people, what their lives are like with technologies. I want to give you this groundlevel perspective.
We at the European Union of Deaf Youth, we are an umbrella organisation for national youth deaf associations or affiliated associations across Europe.
We have 5 main aims that I will briefly outline to you. The first is to promote deaf rights. So that deaf people are aware of their rights across the EU. Fostering the personal development of youth across Europe. We really want to give an understanding of the culture and diversity we have across Europe. Understanding each other. Our 4th is encouraging political and social participation of youth. And last and important one is empowerment, to give knowledge and skills to deaf youth. They have the power to do what they want across Europe.
We really want the same as all youth organisations. And these are the 3 main aims of most youth work. Participation in democratic societies. Prevention of risky behavior. Bad influence can lead to exclusion, psychological breakdown. Our aim is to prevent this. To have inclusivity. You have the right to be a part of society.
I want to get an aim across, which is non formal and informal learning.
This particularly is a method in the youth work. So, I’ll give you the stats here. Before I move on I want to go back. What does formal and non formal means? 3 sectors. Official education from school, university. When you have a teacher guiding teaching you. Non formal learning is when you are learning and then you do. You have a practical element. You are involved physically. You communicate. You do things practically. This works a lot pertaining to youth projects. Then informal learning is different again. Everyday living, you meet people, you gain from their experiences, you learn from social media. What you do in every day life. The sectors of education. The informal learning for deaf youth. We have our peer group, internet group and everyday leisure. On top of the theory I want to give case studies and the challenges. I picked 3. From the different sectors.
Social media has been an incredible influence on many youth across Europe. Just 1 case study, one example, Facebook..
On Facebook, there is always short films that come on the newsfeed. What’s happening in the world. Politically. When you think about the accessibility of this, it is often gone. So, it means the deaf youth miss out on quite a massive chunk of information out there. If you think how many news feed there is that don’t have accessibility. Deaf don’t have the same information and can be left at a disadvantage. Another case study. A lot of young people love to travel. That’s what they do. Imagine, you as a deaf person, you get on a plane, and you know they always start with the safety demonstration. That’s always spoken. No captioning, no visual element. What if you are on a train and something happens and there is an emergency? There is no visual element again.
So you really need to imagine yourself as a deaf person for 1 year. Trying to travel. Situations that come up when you hear what happens. I also want to give another example. Imagine you are on a plane, long flight. 7-8 hours. To the States or Asia. You want a movie on the screen. You need to have headphones. There are no subtitles. 7-8 hours on a plane.
You pay for the same ticket. As hearing person would. You don’t have the same enjoyment.
Then the last and third final case study is entertainment. Movies, live tv, theater. Many youth love football. Hockey, sports. It is a part of the deaf community. The live speaking is completely missed. Is enjoyment the same as hearing youth? I’m not convinced.
If you want to go to the cinema. You want to watch the latest release. You go with your friends. There is no captioning. A lot of elements in your free time you take for granted. From the deaf perspective there is no subtitling. I’m throwing ideas out there. It is a part of our everyday life. Many movies have excellent actors. If they are acting a deaf person it is always a hearing person. It is never a deaf person themselves. You know, as a deaf child you need a rolemodel. That is important to have that rolemodel.
I’m noticing time running away on me. Just final fact. Did you know from cradle to coffin. Only 20% of your learning happens in formal education. I wanted to give the case studies. Of the everyday life. On Facebook and travelling. And how it is limited by not being accessible.
This is why I feel that these little changes including captioning, having visual elements to things. Tiny minor things really would have a massive impact and have impact on the deaf community. One example is Helen Keller, a deafblind woman from America. This was her quote. Alone you can do so little, but together we can do so much.
So I feel this is an important quote we need to take on together if we strive for the same aim. We fight together as a team. We can make an incredible impact.
It is also important we use the technological devices available to facilitate this and make things happen.
I think that’s everythink. Thank you.

Mark: Perfect timing! 0.00. Thank you very much. Thank you, Liisa.
Very interesting, wonderful perspective to be brought with all the challenges you face today.
We are looking from EUD to Eudy’s perspective.

All the publications from 2022 - 2026 are co-funded by and produced under the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission’s CERV Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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