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Strategic Plan

In Article 5(1) of EUD Statutes and in EUD’s Strategic Plan 2021 – 2028, one can find EUD’s mission statement: It is the aim of EUD to represent and promote the interests of deaf persons in Europe at the European Union level. EUD aims to ensure equality and non-discrimination in public and private life for deaf people all over Europe so they can exercise all their rights.

Its main long-term objectives are:

  • Recognition of the right to use an indigenous sign language.
  • Empowerment through access to communication and information
  • Equality in all areas of life and especially in education and employment.


Conform EUD’s Strategic Plan 2021 – 2028, EUD’s vision is that deaf people all over Europe have equality in both public and private aspects of life. Conform EUD’s Strategic Plan 2021 – 2028, EUD’s nine strategic goals and overall objectives are:

  1. Full accessibility through proactive actions and measures at the EU level
  2. Full participation of deaf people through enhancing democratic processes
  3. Equality fostered by the Council Directive
  4. Equal access to employment for deaf people in Europe
  5. Training to build the capacity of deaf people and increase deaf awareness
  6. Social protection for deaf individuals in Europe through implementing social rights
  7. Equal access to health care for deaf people in Europe
  8. External action to consolidate relationships with governing bodies
  9. Accessible early, primary, secondary, and higher education for deaf children and students in Europe From the beginning of January to the end of December 2022 EUD will be implementing 4 specific goals defined in its four year work programme of the Operating Grant.
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