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The Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament established its Bureau

Animation of disability users

EUD welcomes that the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament was re-established in December 2019. In February 2020, the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament selected its Bureau and adopted its work plan.

The Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament is an informal grouping of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). The MEPs in the Disability Intergroup are interested in advocating for disability rights and aim at promoting disability policy during their mandate as a MEP at the European Parliament.

EUD congratulates the recently elected Bureau of the Disability Intergroup and is looking forward to collaborating with them.

The Bureau will consist of the following members:

Adam Kósa – Group of the European People’s Party (EPP), Hungary
Stelios Kympouropoulos – Group of the European People’s Party (EPP), Greece
Rosa Estarás Ferragut – Group of the European People’s Party (EPP)
Mónica Silvana González –  Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D), Spain
Brando Benifei – Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D), Italy
Marianne Vind – Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D), Denmark
Radka Maxová – Renew Europe Group, Czechia
Dragos Pîslaru – Renew Europe Group, Romania
Chrysoula Zacharopoulou – Renew Europe Group, France
Katrin Langensiepen –  Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, Germany
Tilly Metz – Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, Luxembourg
José Gusmão – Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left, Portugal
Anne-Sophie Pelletier –  Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left, France
Giorgios Georgiou –  Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left, Cyprus 

Find out more about the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament:

All the publications from 2022 - 2026 are co-funded by and produced under the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme.

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