Nothing about us without us.

Nothing about us without us.

Solutions and recommendations

Given the barriers still existing for deaf people in Europe today described above, in order to achieve progress these factors needs to be addressed in order to improve the situation:

  • Overall it is important with improved political will to create the policies necessary to remove barriers
  • Main priority is the legal recognition of Sign Language and a clear strategy and Sign Language policy on how to follow up its implementation
  • Ensuring resources for Sign language research and academic programmes for experts and teachers working in Sign Language field
  • Ensuring resources for quality education of Sign Language teachers
  • Allocated resources for academic training for Sign Language interpreters
  • Create a clear system of financial responsibility when engaging a Sign Language interpreter would facilitate and encourage the use of interpreters, i.e. not leave the financial responsibility with the individual deaf person nor the individual entity/organisation
  • Disseminate good practice of accessible and inclusive policies for deaf amongst EU Member States
  • Encourage decision makers at EU and national level to cooperate with deaf associations and include in dialogues to ensure full inclusion when creating policy
  • Cooperate with deaf associations to disseminate information about accessible services to inform about their existence and encourage deaf people and to use them
  • Creating policies allowing deaf EU citizens the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of movement within EU Member States for employment and/or education on equal basis as other by facilitating the right to use Sign Language interpreter of a country you are not a citizen of
  • Including Sign Language in the definition of accessible format in the European Accessibility Act
  • Clear planning of inclusive education
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