Support Letter
Christine Linnartz, MEP candidate
EUD, the European Union of the Deaf, is the only organisation at European level supporting and promoting the rights of Deaf sign language users all over Europe. Equality in public and private life is the key objective of the non-for-profit organisation based in Brussels.
The EU ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in 2010. Article 29 of the first human rights instrument of the 21st century guarantees full and equal participation in political and public life. The current EUD campaign regarding the accessibility of the European Parliament elections 2014 also endorses the notion of full participation of Deaf sign language users in all areas of political life.
EUD therefore fully supports Christine Linnartz’s candidacy as MEP for the upcoming elections in May. She is the Vice-President of the German Deaf Association (Deutscher Gehörlosen-Bund, DGB), which has been a full member NAD since EUD was established in 1985. EUD also encourages other Deaf sign language users to become actively involved in all levels of political life, not only as voters but also stand for elections, as promoted by the UNCRPD.
Details to our campaign can be found on the EUD website in both International Sign and written English at Please do not hesitate to contact the EUD campaign leader Annika Pabsch ([email protected]) should you require further information.
Yours sincerely
Mark Wheatley
EUD Executive Director