On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, which takes place each year on 26th September, EUD are organising a Book Launch Reception at the European Parliament in co-operation with MEP Dr Ádám Kósa, Chair of the Disability Intergroup. The event will focus on the importance of sign language legislation in the European Union, as outlined in the forthcoming EUD publication, which was compiled by EUD Executive Director Mark Wheatley and EUD Policy Officer Annika Pabsch.
The launch marks the second edition of the 2010 EUD book, featuring all pieces of legislation mentioning sign language in the EU Member States, as well as at supranational level. With the publication of the book EUD aims to highlight the need for adequate sign language legislation in the EU, contribute to its dissemination, and support the implementation of the European Commission’s European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, as well as the European Parliament’s Report on Mobility and Inclusion of People with Disabilities in view of the proposed European Accessibility Act and the implementation of the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It also aims at empowering European Deaf citizens in their right to use their national sign languages.
EUD is pleased to invite you to the Book Launch Reception at the European Parliament on 26 September 2012.
16:30 – 17:00 Registration
17:00- 20:00 Reception
Welcome Addresses:
Dr Ádám Kósa, MEP, Chair of the Disability Intergroup
Yannis Vardakastanis, EDF President & IDA Chair
European Commission Representative (TBC)
Ólöf Ólafsdóttir, Director of Democratic Citizenship and Participation, CoE (TBC)
Official Launch:
Mark Wheatley, EUD Executive Director
Please register here for the EUD Book Launch Reception.
Please note: that there is a limited capacity to attend the event. Only those who have received an official confirmation from the EUD office will be able to attend.