‘The Future of Accessibility – Through the Lens of Technology, Policy and Economics’
On 28 June 2016, Microsoft held a conference entitled ‘The Future of Accessibility – Through
July 4, 2016

“Building Social Good” – Facebook conference
On 13.06.2016, EUD was invited to a meeting by the Brussels office of Facebook on
July 4, 2016

Adoption of the final version of the report on the implementation of the UNCRPD, with special regard to the Concluding Observations for the EU
EUD has worked extensively on the UNCRPD and the review session of the EU. The
July 4, 2016

“Disability Thematic Network Forum for Inclusion” with the title “Leveraging the European Accessibility Act to promote change”
On 22 June 2016, the European Foundation Centre organised a “Disability Thematic Network Forum for
July 4, 2016